- Listing Name:
- Great Single Seat Behind Home Plate
- Season Plan:
- Full Season (2016)
(83 total games) - Seats Per Game:
- 1
- Price Level:
- View Reserve Infield
- Section / Row / Seat:
315 / 6 / 5
- Games Available:
- 0
- Price Per Ticket:
- $0.00
- Payment Method:
- Cashier's Check
- Delivery Method:
- Ticket Forwarding
- Offer Minimum:
- 8 games
- Games Available:
- 0
- Price Per Ticket:
- $0.00
Date | Opponent | Section / Row / Seat | Price |
This listing currently has no tickets available for sale. |
Can we split the service fee? Can we meet in person, in a public area of course, and do a cash transaction?
Thanks for your question. Paper tickets will be delivered the first week in March, so a cash transaction wouldn't really work until then because I don't have anything to give you on the spot (I could only use electronic ticket forwarding later from my computer). If you want to make your offer again then and the tickets are still available I'm open to it.
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