Arcade 147 Row 7

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Listing Name:
Arcade 147 Row 7
Season Plan:
Full Season (2016)
(83 total games)
Seats Per Game:
Price Level:
Section / Row / Seat:
147 / 7 / 3
147 / 7 / 4
Games Available:
Price Per Ticket:
Payment Method:
In Person Cash
Delivery Method:
Meet in Person
Offer Minimum:
8 games
Aisle Seating:
Looking for season partner(s) for games for most Weeknights of Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, and all Saturday. I utilize the tickets for all games on Sunday, Monday, and Weekday day. There are only four seats in this row. Seat 4 is listed as an aisle seat. The row is elevated and has extra leg room. This is the top row of seven which allows easy entry and exit. Friends are allowed to stand behind. Great views and great other season ticket holders. Each ticket has a $5.00 credit for use at concession stands. If interested, a minimum of eight games is required. Payment and exchange of tickets is required before March 25. Only serious offers will be answered.
  • Arcade 147
Games Available:
Price Per Ticket:
Date Opponent Section / Row / Seat Price

This listing currently has no tickets available for sale.

  • User Image
    I would like to pick 20 games? would this work for you?
  • Hi George: That would work for me. Please let me know which games as soon as you can since others are also interested. GO GIANTS!!
    User Image
  • User Image
    Hi--my brother and I are looking into splitting season tickets and would mainly be able to make the weekday night games. I've never used this before so just to be clear, we can pick up whichever games we would like as long as we pick more than 10? Thanks, Graham.
  • I am currently out of town for the weekend. I will respond when I return. GO GIANTS!! Don
    User Image

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