- Listing Name:
- Great seats Premium Lower box
- Season Plan:
- Full Season (2018)
(83 total games) - Seats Per Game:
- 2
- Price Level:
- Premium Lower Box
- Section / Row / Seat:
123 / 26 / 3
123 / 26 / 4
- Games Available:
- 20
- Price Per Ticket:
- $75.00
- Payment Method:
- PayPal
- Delivery Method:
- Ticket Forwarding
- Offer Minimum:
- 20 games
The listed price of $75 is an AVERAGE per ticket price, the final total price will equal the total of the games by the price of those tickets, so depending on the games chosen the total price will vary!
PLB123, row 26, seats 3,4
- Games Available:
- 20
- Price Per Ticket:
- $75.00
How will my games get determined?
For this listing, you would offer to purchase a certain number of games and tickets from the Season Ticket Member. The actual games and tickets you would get would be determined at a later date using the the following method:
In Person Draft
New partner will participate in an In Person Draft. Draft will be held at a time and date agreeable to the majority of partners. If a partner cannot attend a date, efforts shall be made to ensure partners picks are fairly selected (for example, ability to call in selection, or the option to send another person to make picks). Draft picks will be based on the number of games each partner is purchasing. Draft Order will be set fairly giving all partners a pick in the first round and the remaining picks will be fairly determined based on the proportion of games owned by each partner. The Draft Order shall NOT unfairly benefit or harm any partner(s). All games and tickets shall be included in the draft.
There is no way to provide contact info on this website before there is an agreement/ contract. So I commit to taking 40 games at face value and we can determine which 40 games after the agreement is finalized. When you see this, you can counter offer my last offer with the same $ amount and I will accept to complete the agreement. Thanks
Great idea but the offer expired and won't allow me to counter or accept. The only options are reject or ignore. Offer again and I'll counter thanks
Yes. Cost at face value works for me. Thanks
I tried sending you my contact info but the website rejected me providing any contact info!? Let me know what games you're interested in and we can go from there. Thanks
Hi, I made an offer yesterday that just expired. Are you still looking for partners? Thanks
Hi Yukon, yes I am interested. Been busy today sorry I didn't respond sooner. I am not doing a draft, I'd like to communicate with you and we can go over what games you are interested in and you would pay face value. I used the $75 per seat as an average. For example depending on the games you choose the 40 games could be more or less than $6000. Does that make sense?
To clarify, the partners will just pay the face value on the tickets they draft? ($75 is just the average cost across all games)
Correct, I should've worded it that way!
I'm interested in the tickets, but don't know if I would be able to make an 'in-person' draft which obviously would be important. What options do you provide to partners who can't attend the draft accordingly?
Hi John I would be willing to do the draft by phone if needed. The reason I preferred the in person draft is that I was required to place an average dollar amount on the tickets for the draft, not all tickets are priced the same. So if someone chose all the more expensive tickets the $75 per ticket price wouldn't apply, we would have to calculate the actual dollar amount for the tickets chosen. I am looking to sell in groups of 20, however you can purchase more than 20 if that's what you'd like I hope this answers your question, let me know if you have additional questions Thanks
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