Chris Corrigan

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Listing Name:
Chris Corrigan
Season Plan:
Full Season (2019)
(83 total games)
Seats Per Game:
Price Level:
Premium Lower Box
Section / Row / Seat:
106 / 12 / 9
106 / 12 / 10
Games Available:
Price Per Ticket:
Payment Method:
Delivery Method:
Ticket Forwarding
Offer Minimum:
10 games
These are great seats on the first base side. The listed price on these tickets is the estimated average. Actually price will be the face value of the ticket for the specific games you select.
Games Available:
Price Per Ticket:

How will my games get determined?

For this listing, you would offer to purchase a certain number of games and tickets from the Season Ticket Member. The actual games and tickets you would get would be determined at a later date using the the following method:

Online Draft
New partner will participate in Online Draft. Draft will be held at a time and date agreeable to the majority of partners. Draft picks will be based on the number of games each partner is purchasing. Draft Order will be set fairly giving all partners a pick in the first round and the remaining picks will be fairly determined based on the proportion of games owned by each partner. The Draft Order shall NOT unfairly benefit or harm any partner(s). All games and tickets shall be included in the draft.
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    Chris, No, the Giants did not give me your PayPal account. You may need to contact your rep there, they are very helpful.
  • ok, will do
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    Chris, I've set up a PayPal account. So the process is I send you over the money and then you give me access to the tickets over this site? Let me know. Regards, Dave Losk
  • Thanks Dave, That works for me. Did the Giants give you my PayPal account or email ? Every time I try to send you any personal contact info the Giants kick it back. I thought this was their program.. Let me know if I need to contact the Giants to correct this. Cheers, Chris
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    Chris, Remove the 8/31 game and let me know how I can get you the $1952. I don't know if this site will let you put down contact information so I may not be able to mail you a check. If I need to go through PayPal then it will be coming from my wife's account which will show up as Anna Losk or Anna Grant. Regards, Dave Losk
  • Ok, can you give the email if able so I request the funds from her? I'm sure why the Giants don't want us to share any contact info...
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    Chris, If I can keep it under $2000 I would also like games 4/10, 8/31 & 9/1. If not I won't take 8/31. Let me know. Regards, Dave Losk
  • Hi Dave, I can do all of those and the total is $2122.00. If I remove 8/31 game it's $1952.00. Let me know. Thanks Chris
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    Chris, For the 2 replacement games I'll take 4/10 and 7/24 and will let you know what other games I'll be asking for after I look at what I've already requested.d Regards, Dave Losk
  • Got it, ill wait to hear the other dates. Chris
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    Chris, So in addition to the 2 dates that need to be changed I can get 4 additional games and stay around $2000. Please let me know and I can get those dates to you asap. Also, is there a way I can mail you a check rather than use PayPal? I don't have a PayPal account but my wife does if that's the only way to pay for the tickets. I want to lock down those dates on my calendar before I pick my section 107 tickets.
  • Hi Dave, yes no problem in mailing a check. Once you let me know the additional games, I'll let you know the cost. You getting all tickets at face value.
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    Chris, I'll take the following 11 games for now, 4/14, 4/24, 5/15, 5/26, 6/15, 6/26, 7/6, 7/7, 7/17, 8/14 and 9/14. If you could let me know what the total for those would be I'd appreciate it. I already have 4 seats for 10 games in a group I've been with since 1984 so I want to try to keep the cost around $2000. Let me know if this works, if it's below $2000 I'll probably get some more.
  • Hi David, OK you got it. I have not seen the pricing yet from the Giants. As soon as I have that, I can let you know the exact amount. Looking forward to it, Cheers, Chris
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    I'm sorry, I just saw that you will sell 15-20 games. How many day games can I get and are any available?
  • Hi David, Sorry it took me so long, Ive been traveling. Right now any tickets you are looking for are available. Just give me a list of the games. Cheers Chris
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    Will you sell 15-20 games or does someone need to buy all of them? Let me know. I've shared season tickets in that section for years but the ticket holder decided to sell them back to the Giants. Thanks, Dave Losk
  • Hi Dave, I noticed 2 games you requested on 4/24 & 7/17 are away games. It looks like you could select 4 more and stay in your budget. Let me know. i have the pricing now from the Giants. Thanks Chris
    User Image

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